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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Process of DVD Recording

Menu: Project - Burn DVD from disk
This is the last step in the DVD creation process.
With our DVD Project having been Compiled, there are a set of files that DVD-lab has prepared for you in the Output folder as set in the Compile process. At this point, the DVD Author has choices as to how to convert this set of files into a DVD master disc. You can either use the DVD-lab built-in recording module or you can choose to use a third party DVD recording software such as Nero, Prassi, Gear, etc...

It is common that you are supplied with a DVD recording software that was bundled with your DVD-R/DVD+R burner. This software may be better optimized for your particular drive. The DVD-lab built-in DVD recording module is a general ASPI writing application and should work fine. In an ideal world, either one would work equally well.
DVD-lab Disc record window
The DVD-lab Disc record window is automatically detached. That means it runs as a separate process independent from DVD-lab, you could even close DVD-lab and the recording will continue.

Here are some of the parameter choices for the DVD-lab Disc record window.
Input Folder
The Input Folder is the same as the Output folder in Compile. That means this is the folder where the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders are expected to be.
The DVD recording drive you want to write to, presented as the O/S recognizes it.
Media Type
Set if you want to burn DVD Video or a Mini-DVD.Mini-DVD is a DVD format burned on the CD-R. Obviously you can put far less data on a CD-R (about 700 MB) than on DVD (4.3 GB)

The size indicator on the bottom can help you to determine how much data you can record to the disc.

You have to keep your data below the red area.

Note: While you will be able to play the CD-R on a computer not all standalone players will be able to play the Mini-DVD. In fact such format is not officially supported. The reason is that CD's have far less density of data so in order to play the large DVD video bitrate they have to spin much faster than DVD. Not all DVD drives in players are ready for this so the functionality to DVD files from CD-R is often simply disabled. However a number of Asian or re-branded Asian US models of players use a standard PC type of DVD drive which allows for fast spin of CD.
For those using a re-writable media, the DVD-RW needs to be formatted if they were already used - click the Erase/Format button to do this. The more common DVD-R media do not need any formatting.
The DVD-RW and +RW needs to be finalized after writing. This takes quite a large amount of time on RW media. Please be patient until this important process is completed.
Test Write checkboxUse this option by checking the Test Write checkbox to have DVD-lab do a trial run at writing a DVD. This option does not write anything to disk or your hard drive, it merely goes through the motions to insure that all of the content and menus within the DVD project are correctly prepared and defined.
Volume Name inputEnter here a name for the DVD volume that will appear when placed in a computer drive. A standalone DVD player just ignores this.
Create Image checkboxYou can choose to have DVD-lab create a large file on your hard drive which is an the image of a DVD disc instead of burning. The result will be one big IMG file. That IMG file can be used with a number of third party DVD recording software to replicate a DVD disc from this image file, as many times as you like, whenever you like.

Some software will look for a ISO file name extension, if so, just rename the file to a .ISO extension. This method has the advantage of speed as the DVD image is all prepared on your hard drive, it is then a just matter of how fast your DVD burner drive will burn that image.
Hybrid DVD Writing buttonYou can add additional files and folders to the DVD master disc with the Hybrid DVD Writing option.

What this option will do is setup an alternate filesystem on the DVD master disc which is called an ISO filesystem. The ISO format is what a standard CD uses while the DVD video is in UDF/ISO. This is perfectly DVD "legal" as the DVD player doesn't know or care about this ISO filesystem's contents, it just looks for a UDF filesystem.
It doesn't matter at all what the content or nature of these files are. They are just files, not Windows or Mac or Linux files, just files.

As they are recorded into the ISO file system domain, they are available on any computer with a DVD drive. This offers the DVD-lab Author some creative options for bonus content that would be available to a computer user on any O/S that supports a DVD drive.

For example, you can create an autorun project in Multimedia Builder and record it to DVD as an extra feature when used on PC. HTML based content may be placed here as well, be sure to indicate to your computer users where to find your HTML starting page (ex: index.html).

Note: The space used by the Hybrid DVD Writing option counts in the entire Project space value. You only get so much space on a DVD (4.7G), this option uses part of that. Do the math to be sure you have room for this extra area.
Write buttonAs expected, click this button to start the DVD writing (burn) process.

Note: It is not recommended to do any work on the computer during DVD writing. Things like reading/writing to hard-drive may easily ruin your DVD-R. Try to let the burning process be the only thing your computer is running until it is completed.

Congratulations - now it is up to you to enjoy the DVD.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Assignment n#2 2nd trinal:Package Types

ent nIntel CPU Processor Identification

There are several package types for Intel® processors. These different package types are illustrated below along with a brief explanation of how to easily identify them.

FC-PGA Package Type

The FC-PGA package is short for flip chip pin grid array, which have pins that are inserted into a socket. These chips are turned upside down so that the die or the part of the processor that makes up the computer chip is exposed on the top of the processor. By having the die exposed allows the thermal solution can be applied directly to the die, which allows for more efficient cooling of the chip. To enhance the performance of the package by decoupling the power and ground signals, FC-PGA processors have discrete capacitors and resistors on the bottom of the processor, in the capacitor placement area (center of processor). The pins on the bottom of the chip are staggered. In addition, the pins are arranged in a way that the processor can only be inserted one way into the socket. The FC-PGA package is used in Pentium® III and Intel® Celeron® processors, which use 370 pins.Pentium III and Intel® Celeron®


OOI Package Type

OOI is short for OLGA. OLGA stands for Organic Land Grid Array. The OLGA chips also use a flip chip design, where the processor is attached to the substrate face-down for better signal integrity, more efficient heat removal and lower inductance. The OOI then has an Integrated Heat Spreader (IHS) that helps heatsink dissipation to a properly attached fan heatsink. The OOI is used by the Pentium 4 processor, which has 423 pins.

FC-PGA2 Package Type

FC-PGA2 packages are similar to the FC-PGA package type, except these processors also have an Integrated Heat Sink (IHS). The integrated heat sink is attached directly to the die of the processor during manufacturing. Since the IHS makes a good thermal contact with the die and it offers a larger surface area for better heat dissipation, it can significantly increase thermal conductivity. The FC-PGA2 package is used in Pentium III and Intel Celeron processor (370 pins) and the Pentium 4 processor (478 pins).

PGA Package Type

PGA is short for Pin Grid Array, and these processors have pins that are inserted into a socket. To improve thermal conductivity, the PGA uses a nickel plated copper heat slug on top of the processor. The pins on the bottom of the chip are staggered. In addition, the pins are arranged in a way that the processor can only be inserted one way into the socket. The PGA package is used by the Intel Xeon™ processor, which has 603 pins.

PPGA is short for Plastic Pin Grid Array, and these processors have pins that are inserted into a socket. To improve thermal conductivity, the PPGA uses a nickel plated copper heat slug on top of the processor. The pins on the bottom of the chip are staggered. In addition, the pins are arranged in a way that the processor can only be inserted one way into the socket. The PPGA package is used by early Intel Celeron processors, which have 370 pins.

S.E.C.C. Package Type

S.E.C.C. is short for Single Edge Contact Cartridge. To connect to the motherboard, the processor is inserted into a slot. Instead of having pins, it uses goldfinger contacts, which the processor uses to carry its signals back and forth. The S.E.C.C. is covered with a metal shell that covers the top of the entire cartridge assembly. The back of the cartridge is a thermal plate that acts as a heatsink. Inside the S.E.C.C., most processors have a printed circuit board called the substrate that links together the processor, the L2 cache and the bus termination circuits. The S.E.C.C. package was used in the Intel Pentium II processors, which have 242 contacts and the Pentium® II Xeon™ and Pentium III Xeon processors, which have 330 contacts.

S.E.C.C.2 Package Type

The S.E.C.C.

2 package is similar to the S.E.C.C. package except the S.E.C.C.2 uses less casing and does not include the thermal plate. The S.E.C.C.2 package was used in some later versions of the Pentium II processor and Pentium III processor (242 contacts).

S.E.P. Package Type

S.E.P. is short for Single Edge Processor.

The S.E.P. package is similar to a S.E.C.C. or S.E.C.C.2 package but it has no covering. In addition, the substrate (circuit board) is visible from the bottom side. The S.E.P. package was used by early Intel Celeron processors, which have 242 contacts.



The micro-FCPGA (Flip Chip Plastic Grid Array) package consists of a die placed face-down on an organic substrate. An epoxy material surrounds the die, forming a smooth, relatively clear fillet. The package uses 478 pins, which are 2.03 mm long and .32 mm in diameter. While there are several micro-FCPGA socket designs available, all of them are designed to allow zero-insertion force removal and insertion of the processor. Different from micro-PGA, the micro-FCPGA does not have an interposer and it includes capacitors on the bottom side.


Micro-FCBGA (Flip Chip Ball Grid Array) package for surface mount boards consists of a die placed face-down on an organic substrate. An epoxy material surrounds the die, forming a smooth, relatively clear fillet. Instead of using pins, the packages use small balls, which acts as contacts for the processor. The advantage of using balls instead of pins is that there are no leads that bend. The package uses 479 balls, which are .78 mm in diameter. Different from Micro-PGA, the micro-FCPGA includes capacitors on the top side.

Micro-BGA2 Package

The BGA2 package consists of a die placed face-down on an organic substrate. An epoxy material surrounds the die, forming a smooth, relatively clear fillet. Instead of using pins, the packages use small balls, which acts as contacts for the processor. The advantage of using balls instead of pins is that there are no leads that bend. The Pentium® III processor uses the BGA2 package, which contains 495 balls.

Micro-PGA2 Package

The micro-PGA2 consists of a BGA package mounted to an interposer with small pins

. The pins are 1.25 mm long and 0.30 mm in diameter.

While there are several micro-PGA2 socket designs available,

all of them are designed to allow zero-insertion force removal.
and insertion of the mobile Pentium III processor.

MMC-2 Package

The Mobile Module Cartridge 2 (MMC-2) package has a mobile Pentium® III processor and the host bridge system controller (consisting of the processor bus controller, memory controller and PCI bus controller) on a small circuit. It connects to the system via a 400-pin connector. On the MMC-2 package, the thermal transfer plate (TTP) provides heat dissipation from the processor and host bridge system controller.

Other Package Types
CPGA (Ceramic
Pin Grid Array)

Assignment # 3: Motherboard Form Factors

Definition of: Baby AT motherboard A smaller version of the original AT motherboard used in the IBM PC/AT. Introduced in 1987, the Baby AT reduced width from 12" to 8.5". Although its maximum length was 13", most boards were only 9" or 10" long. The Baby AT was the first PC motherboard to build in sockets for I/O ports (serial, parallel, etc.), which were cabled to connectors on the back of the case. Widely used in 386, 486 and early Pentium PCs, the Baby AT was superseded by the ATX motherboard.

Definition of: AT motherboard A motherboard that follows the same design and 12x13" form factor that was in the original IBM PC/AT. It was superseded by the Baby AT.

Definition of: ATX motherboard (Advanced Technology EXtended motherboard) The PC motherboard that superseded the Baby AT design. The ATX layout rotated the CPU and memory 90 degrees, allowing full-length expansions to be plugged into all sockets. The power supply blows air over the CPU rather than pulling air through the chassis.Introduced in 1995, the ATX was the first PC motherboard to not only include I/O support (serial, parallel, mouse, etc.), but to place all the connectors directly on the motherboard. Prior to the ATX, only the keyboard connector was attached to the motherboard.Numerous variations of the ATX were subsequently introduced with both smaller and larger form factors, including the microATX, Mini ATX, FlexATX and Extended ATX (see PC motherboards).

Definition of: LPX motherboard (Low-Profile EXtended motherboard) A low-profile PC motherboard for slimline cases, introduced in 1997 by Western Digital. Unlike boards for desktop and tower cases that hold the expansion cards perpendicular to the board, cards plug into a riser card on the LPX and are parallel with the board. Having a 9" width, the Mini LPX version decreased the length from 13" to 11". See PC motherboards.

Definition of: NLX motherboard (New Low-Profile EXtended motherboard) A low-profile PC motherboard from Intel for slimline cases, introduced in 1987. Unlike boards for desktop and tower cases that hold the expansion cards perpendicular to the board, cards plug into a riser card on the NLX and are parallel with the board. See PC motherboards.